Our Project Process

Each of our projects is custom and we love it that way! Hidden within all that custom detail is a process outline that keeps our project momentum on track. Here is a brief overview of how it goes…


Are we a good fit? Let’s have a call to discuss your upcoming project, timelines, goals, and budget. If all these align we will schedule an in-home walkthrough. We can then offer customized project pricing and bring you officially on board.

Planning & Measuring

A design questionnaire will help refine your style and project goals. Initial in-depth measurements will be collected and the conceptual design phase of planning will begin.


Visual design renderings are a unique and important part of our designs. We want to aim the design ship in the right direction from the beginning. Photorealistic room renderings and detailed floor plans will accomplish this. We focus on the design direction so that we know what we are shopping for instead of wasting time on revisions later on.


During this time physical samples and trade quotes will be gathered and then presented to finalize the vison and bring it closer to reality.


Scale drawings and finish schedules for carpentry, construction, lighting, paint, and furniture placement will be provided for trade teams.


Construction is messy. I can tell you that communication with trade teams is essential to ensure the desired result is achieved. We like to be onsite to answer questions and get ahead of any potential time delays.